martes, 5 de mayo de 2015

ISVs, welcome to Red Hat Connect!

Hi everyone,

Red Hat recently revamped its technology partner program with the launch of Red Hat Connect for Technology Partners which is an open, collaborative ecosystem connecting technology companies with the tools and resources to build certified solutions for the Red Hat family of products.

One of my initiatives as manager of Partner Marketing at Red Hat JBoss Middleware is to manage the Middleware zone where technology partners interested in developing or certifying their apps with the JBoss portfolio will find the perfect place to start. (PS: To go beyond the initial content you'll need to be a part of or become a Red Hat Partner to read it, but it's worth it!).

And as part of the launch I blogged about it, welcoming ISVs and showing them the three main advantages of becoming a Red Hat technology partner.

Interested? Read on!

All the best,

lunes, 20 de abril de 2015

JBoss Fuse integration bridges the gap between SAP, SalesForce and mobile apps

I am excited to open my new blog with a guest blog in The Open Source Software Universe (, the widely read blog of JBoss Technology evangelist Kenny Peeples.

JBoss Fuse is a growing star in the JBoss portfolio, and Kenny will be devoting four articles to showcase different use cases enterprises can apply to their integration needs.

Read the complete blog here:

JBoss Fuse integration bridges the gap between SAP, SalesForce and mobile apps

Thanks Kenny!
